The Ideology
There are open-minded people that accept what comes and go along with the waves and changes of time and there are stuborn people who, when they see something they don't like, they try to change it using any means possible. It is these stuborn people who create the waves that the followers accept.
Each of us, whether we know it or not, follow a specific ideology. Sometimes we can even claim to hate that ideology yet in reality our actions and thoughts would prove otherwise. It matters very little, nay, I would go as far and say that it does not matter at all what religion you follow. In absense of any ideology, a religion is just a bunch of stories that you only take joy believing in. You might as well believe in the Silmarillion as it wont make the slightest difference.
So what is an ideology? The following are three definitions.
The unifying system of beliefs, attitudes, and values expressed in the superstructure of a culture. The body of thought and ideas that guides a society and perpetuates the status quo of the bourgeoisie.
A comprehensive set of political, economic, and social views or ideas, particularly concerned with the form and role of government
A complex term, but in (very) short, ideology refers to a belief system or world-view; a coherent structure of thinking which obscures incongruous elements in order to uphold a particular social order.
You can believe that Jesus died on the cross or that god has 8 arms or that Potato-Head will come to rescue the planet. This way or that these are merely stories that will not determine how you think and thus does not affect you in the slightest (at least not in this life and in your relationship with your fellow man).
Action is the reflection of our thoughts and thoughts are based on concepts. If I have a concept towards someone, then in different circumstances I would have different thoughts which will trigger different actions as compared to similar circumstances but towards someone else that I have a different concept on. Let me give an example. Let us say Omar has a negative concept towards Ali, in simple terms, he does not like him. Now if Ali asks Omar for a loan, Omar's concept towards Ali will trigger the thought "I don't trust he will pay it back" and thus Omar will refuse to give Ali the loan. Now if Ahmad, a third individual who Omar holds a positive concept on, i.e. he likes him, asks Omar for a loan, Omar will give Ahmad the loan because his positive concept tells him that he can trust Ahmad. The concept Omar holds for different people triggers thoughts that in different circumstances, he will act according to what thoughts come to his head from the concept he holds. Similar circumstances for different concepts would give different thoughts and thus different actions. But why does Omar act differently towards different people? It could be that he saw Ali do something in the past that Omar didn't like. Or maybe he lent Ali some money before and Ali never returned it. Or maybe he heard that Ali did something that he didn't like. It could be for alot reasons, however all reasons that build on Omar's concept of Ali are information that Omar gathered about Ali. Information that he could have seen or heard. It could even be indirectly related to Ali. For example if Ali was a pagan, Omar, being a strict Muslim, would refuse to give Ali the loan even if he heard of Ali's trustworthiness. It all comes from the concept and the concept comes from the education every single individual get from every single large and tiny details that we accumilate in life. This education does not only come from the school, does not only come from the house, does not only come from your holy books, it could come from the streets, it could come from the TV documentaries, it could come from the cinema, it could come from the books you read, the music you hear, the advertisments you see. It comes from everything and anything that sends information to our brains which thus puts another brick on one or more of the several concepts we hold about several different things. Omar could be a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu or even an Athiest.
Now why is all this important? Well to answer that question I have to explain what a society is. A society is made of individuals, thoughts & emotions and a system of rule. The individuals are everyone within a particular society. The thoughts & emotions are linked to the system of rule, how this is is the main idea of this thesis.
The system of rule is what laws and regulations are being implemented over the individuals. What the individuals can and can't do. This system of rule deduces it's laws through it definition of what is man, life and the universe and how does man relate to the universe. Answering these questions gives the system a basis as to what laws it should implement. Take Communism for example, not to go very deep, that ideology agrees that man is a souless matter that is only aware through the chemistry of biology. Once man dies, he returns to dust and cease to exist. The whole universe is linked to man in that it is like man of pure matter. This is the heart of Communism. The laws of the commune is indeed retracted from the surplus value, however the Darwin theory of evolution "proved" that materialism is correct where nothing else could prove Marxist thought. Through materialism comes the ultimate equality which traditional Marxist Communism is based upon.
This could be considered as the ideology's 'concept' where all its thoughts (laws and regulations) branch out of. However the importance of the ideology is that it controls the thoughts and emotions of the individuals. As in anything in this life, there will always be elements that will counter every formula. Thus there are indeed Socialists in a Capitalism system and Capitalists in a Communist system, however these elements are very small for if they do become of a significant number then the system will fall apart as the thoughts and emotions of the people are not coherent any longer, thus it creats an abnormality and thus instability in society that could only be cured with the introduction of a completely new system that is coherent with the thoughts and emotions of the individuals.
However, at the same time, the system controls the media. It legislates the rules and laws. It tells you what to watch and when to watch it. It puts down the school curriculem so that your children will learn and get educated on what they want you to believe in. The system controls most if not all the sources of information individuals have and thus they control the thoughts and emotions of the people.
So you could look at it in two ways; change the thoughts and emotions of the people to overthrow the system or overthrow the system to change the thoughts and emotions of the people. None of them are wrong as each is used according to its circumstances. I would write about these circumstance and the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods in a later thesis.
To conclude this article, man's actions are the products of his thoughts and his thoughts are the products of his concepts and his concepts are the products of his environment and his environment is the product of the system. Thus, whatever story the man wish to believe, whatever name the man puts for his creator, his actions are not defined by his holy book, but mostly by the system that's ruling him.
As stated earlier, there are always exceptions where man could be a follower of another ideology and thus a fighter of the current ruling system. In such a case, his concepts are built on the ideology he holds, the tighter he holds the stronger his concepts' link to his ideology is, the weaker he holds, the stronger his concepts' link to the ruling system is.
Each of us, whether we know it or not, follow a specific ideology. Sometimes we can even claim to hate that ideology yet in reality our actions and thoughts would prove otherwise. It matters very little, nay, I would go as far and say that it does not matter at all what religion you follow. In absense of any ideology, a religion is just a bunch of stories that you only take joy believing in. You might as well believe in the Silmarillion as it wont make the slightest difference.
So what is an ideology? The following are three definitions.
The unifying system of beliefs, attitudes, and values expressed in the superstructure of a culture. The body of thought and ideas that guides a society and perpetuates the status quo of the bourgeoisie.
A comprehensive set of political, economic, and social views or ideas, particularly concerned with the form and role of government
A complex term, but in (very) short, ideology refers to a belief system or world-view; a coherent structure of thinking which obscures incongruous elements in order to uphold a particular social order.
You can believe that Jesus died on the cross or that god has 8 arms or that Potato-Head will come to rescue the planet. This way or that these are merely stories that will not determine how you think and thus does not affect you in the slightest (at least not in this life and in your relationship with your fellow man).
Action is the reflection of our thoughts and thoughts are based on concepts. If I have a concept towards someone, then in different circumstances I would have different thoughts which will trigger different actions as compared to similar circumstances but towards someone else that I have a different concept on. Let me give an example. Let us say Omar has a negative concept towards Ali, in simple terms, he does not like him. Now if Ali asks Omar for a loan, Omar's concept towards Ali will trigger the thought "I don't trust he will pay it back" and thus Omar will refuse to give Ali the loan. Now if Ahmad, a third individual who Omar holds a positive concept on, i.e. he likes him, asks Omar for a loan, Omar will give Ahmad the loan because his positive concept tells him that he can trust Ahmad. The concept Omar holds for different people triggers thoughts that in different circumstances, he will act according to what thoughts come to his head from the concept he holds. Similar circumstances for different concepts would give different thoughts and thus different actions. But why does Omar act differently towards different people? It could be that he saw Ali do something in the past that Omar didn't like. Or maybe he lent Ali some money before and Ali never returned it. Or maybe he heard that Ali did something that he didn't like. It could be for alot reasons, however all reasons that build on Omar's concept of Ali are information that Omar gathered about Ali. Information that he could have seen or heard. It could even be indirectly related to Ali. For example if Ali was a pagan, Omar, being a strict Muslim, would refuse to give Ali the loan even if he heard of Ali's trustworthiness. It all comes from the concept and the concept comes from the education every single individual get from every single large and tiny details that we accumilate in life. This education does not only come from the school, does not only come from the house, does not only come from your holy books, it could come from the streets, it could come from the TV documentaries, it could come from the cinema, it could come from the books you read, the music you hear, the advertisments you see. It comes from everything and anything that sends information to our brains which thus puts another brick on one or more of the several concepts we hold about several different things. Omar could be a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu or even an Athiest.
Now why is all this important? Well to answer that question I have to explain what a society is. A society is made of individuals, thoughts & emotions and a system of rule. The individuals are everyone within a particular society. The thoughts & emotions are linked to the system of rule, how this is is the main idea of this thesis.
The system of rule is what laws and regulations are being implemented over the individuals. What the individuals can and can't do. This system of rule deduces it's laws through it definition of what is man, life and the universe and how does man relate to the universe. Answering these questions gives the system a basis as to what laws it should implement. Take Communism for example, not to go very deep, that ideology agrees that man is a souless matter that is only aware through the chemistry of biology. Once man dies, he returns to dust and cease to exist. The whole universe is linked to man in that it is like man of pure matter. This is the heart of Communism. The laws of the commune is indeed retracted from the surplus value, however the Darwin theory of evolution "proved" that materialism is correct where nothing else could prove Marxist thought. Through materialism comes the ultimate equality which traditional Marxist Communism is based upon.
This could be considered as the ideology's 'concept' where all its thoughts (laws and regulations) branch out of. However the importance of the ideology is that it controls the thoughts and emotions of the individuals. As in anything in this life, there will always be elements that will counter every formula. Thus there are indeed Socialists in a Capitalism system and Capitalists in a Communist system, however these elements are very small for if they do become of a significant number then the system will fall apart as the thoughts and emotions of the people are not coherent any longer, thus it creats an abnormality and thus instability in society that could only be cured with the introduction of a completely new system that is coherent with the thoughts and emotions of the individuals.
However, at the same time, the system controls the media. It legislates the rules and laws. It tells you what to watch and when to watch it. It puts down the school curriculem so that your children will learn and get educated on what they want you to believe in. The system controls most if not all the sources of information individuals have and thus they control the thoughts and emotions of the people.
So you could look at it in two ways; change the thoughts and emotions of the people to overthrow the system or overthrow the system to change the thoughts and emotions of the people. None of them are wrong as each is used according to its circumstances. I would write about these circumstance and the advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods in a later thesis.
To conclude this article, man's actions are the products of his thoughts and his thoughts are the products of his concepts and his concepts are the products of his environment and his environment is the product of the system. Thus, whatever story the man wish to believe, whatever name the man puts for his creator, his actions are not defined by his holy book, but mostly by the system that's ruling him.
As stated earlier, there are always exceptions where man could be a follower of another ideology and thus a fighter of the current ruling system. In such a case, his concepts are built on the ideology he holds, the tighter he holds the stronger his concepts' link to his ideology is, the weaker he holds, the stronger his concepts' link to the ruling system is.
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